Red Show – a solo exhibition by pipi
wednesday june 11, 2014 from 6-9 pm
@ yoyo’s studio – 482 broome street (buzzer #2)
RED show is an archeological dig of sorts, bringing to the surface the remains of an inward journey. an exact shade of the color RED is what weaves together this rather unguarded show. photographs, objects, drawings, & clothing represent handpicked moments, paving the way from one isolated time & place to a multi-layered experience. the color RED flows between the forms and tells a story of light, loss, motion, and finding your center point amidst. this show is “a fire from within” in manifest form.
pipi is a NYC-based artist and photography is the common thread in her work. the stories implicit in a ray of light are fixed for eternity in her art. it consistently goes between realities, walking the fine line between deeply personal observations and a wholehearted embrace of the world in its complexity and collusion. the result is often lyrical and melancholic. other mediums she uses include painting, film, sewing, performance & found objects that often add to the refinement of moments captured and then returned with new life.